
Targeting the ranker that are feeding on large bait-fishThe Tide-Minnow 150 Surf was conceived to target the bigger seabass that feed on larger bait-fish. This is a user-friendly minnow which has none of the negative characteristics of most other large lures on the market, such as difficulty casting or a heavy feel while reeling. While it handles surprisingly easily, this minnow does have a large body that ensures a superior ability to attract game fish.TECHNICAL DETAILSMAGNET-ASSISTED MOVING WEIGHTBy stabilizing the movement of the steel ball weight with a magnet, we have realized a more active balance. Also, the steel ball is lighter compared to other metals, allowing for a quicker stabilizing response.WEIGHT DISTRIBUTIONRather than placing a large moving weight in the body, we have used a fixed weight in the rear of the lure as its main weight. The moving weight’s counterbalancing role becomes auxiliary, creating a large lure castable even with a seabass rod.SHALLOW RANGELarge minnows are generally productive not only in surf and off the rocks but also in shallow rivers and over sand ba With this in mind, we have set a shallow diving depth, making it possible to retrieve the lure dead slow while still tracing it right underneath the surface of the water.




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